lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

little toughts

''Just one song can take me back to that certain memory and bring a smile on my face or bring tears to my eyes... ♥ Lori''

From here, all are mine: (enjoy them :D )

'' Thoughts going through my mind, cross my heart and remain in silence with my feelings''

♪ Twinkle twinkle little star.. hide me deeper into your arms ♪ (Modifiquied)

 ''Lapicero en mano.. mente sin palabras/ pensamientos.. solo tu recuerdo ='/''

 ''Me volví a enamorar de la vida.. recobre la confianza en mi misma.. me elevo tan solo pensar y aun sin decir siento!.''

''Que mejor talento... Que el quererte''

''Cuando palabras no existen en mi... eres tu el que entiende mi silencio."

''Me gustaría que fuera ese día... Cuando un recuerdo nos daba una sonrisa... Cuando esa sonrisa nos unía... Cuando un susto llevaba a un abrazo... Cuando ese abrazo significaba todo... cuando te conocía."

''Tu escuchas lo que mi mente dice, tu sientes lo que mi corazón siente''

''Sueños.. aveces se cumplen, otras no... Esperanza es todo lo que tenemos ahora.''

"Recibiendo la vida en resumido tiempo, quedando plasmados en un libro tus sentimientos..."

''El día lluvioso, relámpagos cayendo, y mi corazón derritiéndose''

''Pensamientos que pasan por mi mente, atraviesan mi corazón y quedan en el silencio junto con mis sentimientos.''

Books Readen

In my thing of  learning English, I found very helpful reading english books. :D You should try if you're learning a new language! Learn books in that language! :D

A copilation of books that I have readen, let's start with the first one: 

 This book talks about a whore house and I think ''April'' had troubles with i don't know what thing.. so she asked for help to (i can't remember the name)  (I forget everthing LOL)  well finally, there's where everthing beggins :D well you need read it!!! =p it's so interestinnnnnnng.. i really loved it!! 

The second book (wich i finished just one week ago) :

I can say.. OMG!! pretty pretty gooooood.. It's about a girl who is mentally ''ill'' so they get to a phisiquiatric hospital.. She lives in her world of ''yri'' with lactameon... In this hospital, she tells all her stories about it. At the end she gets involve in a mixture of feeling, where sometimes she has control on it, sometimes she just doesn't. 
So far, this have been my favorite book, although it took me almost 3 months to finish it!! but con esmera y aplicacion (and google translate/queren translate) YOU CAN!!! =D =D

by the way.. i will start other one.. is called ''the diary of (no is not anne frank)  Melanie Martin'' my friend Deborah (i met her in maximo when she was my first conversation partner) (a great person, and now my friend =D) she said me that she used to read it when she was pretty young or a child i think.. so the vocabulary is easy (i think reading ''i never promised you a rose garden'' with that hard vocabulary i can say i wont need ''google translate'') WROOOONG!! i used already in the 3 prhase haha and i use it each time that i read it!! =0 I get frusted with myself and become angry when i don't want translate into spanish but i don't understand the sense of what i'm reading.. or i'm pretty distracted? .. if this is not the word i invented it!! don't sorprise.. when i don't know a word.. i associate with spanish.. like when my friend heidi (from canada) didn't know about how to say ''espuma'' (for hair) i said her ''spum''ah ah! Queren wrong!! when instead of ''spum'' is ''mush''? wait.. ''muse''!? or whatever .. so .. i will read it and finished soooooooon!! =D

guuuuuuuuessssss what????'

 i finished read it just 2 minuts ago!!

it was pretty funny and sometimes silly (but silly funny) (when i write i'm pretty silly too) anyways.. i could find myself sometimes in the words of Melanie's thoughts.. in the first pages i read and looked for the 'missing?' words but, then i just didn't  need more google translate haha (even don't understanding many things) but I was kind of lazy =D i post on fb haha i will start another one.. is called about a phischiatryc stuff.. =D

soooo on. =D =D happy happy as the twinkle star =D